Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ten Days: Day Ten

Day Ten: 
One confession


It isn't that I don't have anything to confess, but that every time I think of something and go to write it out I simply don't feel I can 'confess' the thing. I have lots of stories, lots of gritty little things hidden away; but, to confess them. .  can't do it. So I have come to a compromise with myself.
I will answer any question asked me, today. You can even leave a one-word topic or other such thing and I will expound on it. Anon enabled. I'm not easily shocked or anything, so ask whatever your heart desires!
If I don't get anything in the comments in 24hrs, I suppose I resort to confessing some thing.


  1. Hmmm let's see here...ANY questions huh? What is the greatest piece of advice that you were given that you still carry with you every day? What's the best advice that you have given? I in turn will answer any question you would like to ask me!

  2. now if only i could think of a good question for this post.........
    since i can't seem to come up with anything, i invite you to just tell me something. whatever you want, anything. in any form.

  3. Rebecca- I think the best advice I was ever given lays somewhere between "don't mind what other people think/say" and "be yourself". It sounds simple enough and even seems like common sense, but it is truly so much harder to really follow.
    Oh, and "listen to your instinct/gut". That is definitely advice I need to follow.

    As for best advice I've ever given? I'm not even sure. I think I tend to give advice that is very specific to a situation and cannot apply to things in general.
    Perhaps the best advice I could give would be "Don't be afraid to love with your whole heart. Everyone gets hurt, you'll only get hurt more if you hold yourself in."
    But, I'm not too sure about that last part ;)

    My question for you is, what are you afraid of?

  4. a sweet pea.

    Oh no! This is almost the same dilemma I had making the post in the first place!
    I don't know what to share! I keep thinking of things but they all seem so dark. I don't mind sharing them, but I feel strange just throwing things out there without any context or reason.
    I thought if I gave the chance to ask me questions, it would let people ask me things they are interested in knowing; rather than me just whipping out some random mess.

    But, so... that still leaves me with what to tell you!! :D

    I used to think I was invincible.

    (edited:( )

  5. What am I afraid of...hmmm.

    If I am being honest with myself, I fear losing control. I'm a really organized/administrative person, but on the flip side, I am a bit of a control freak. So I'm assuming that losing complete control of my life would scare me.

    I also tend to be a people pleaser-so it bothers me a lot when I think people are mad at me--you would probably read a blog entry about it haha!

    Good advice by the way. Sometimes the most simple advice is the most powerful!
    New question for you: What do you think is the best day/night you've ever had? Doesn't necessarily have to be a date, just the best day you've had.

  6. I think I'm a people pleaser too, but I'm not that good at it! lol I get bothered when I think people are mad at me too. Mostly I just don't like when people are upset over something and say nothing. But, who am I to complain about that!

    The best day/night I ever had? I can't say that there is one that sticks out in my mind. They're all bits and pieces. I will tell you about parts of them!
    My best days tend to involve not doing much of anything. Waking up in the morning in a warm, sunny bed. My children giggling lots and singing. Watching movies snuggled by my fam. Driving around, watching the scenery, talking only when one wants to. Listening to music. Silly voices, dumb jokes. Laughter, tears, smiles. Lots of touching. Walking around in a forest preserve aimlessly, with sandwiches. Spending time just listening to the quiet.

  7. haha, sorry =(
    im just not very good at coming up wit hrandom things like that on the spot......

    what made you decide otherwise?

  8. a sweet pea.
    it was a lot of words.
    I spent a lot of time that day erasing things.
    why? maybe they're answers that seem so much bigger, louder (when I'm writing) them than I mean them.

  9. Oh, and thank you both for making 'confession' needless!
