Saturday, July 28, 2012

Swan Song

I live instinctively
following the pull of the seasons
fiercely protective of my heart
unable to tell of it's inner workings
though my body shows a simple version
of that which my mind is complicated by

through air and water
my movements are unrestrained
perhaps I cannot tell you why
until I reach the end
yet, follow me as I follow you
and we shall live
as we are born to

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Right Me

tear apart all that I was, throw away what I'm not, build me up again in my own image

Friday, July 20, 2012

Flesh Of My Flesh, Heart of My Own

I love your bones, the
way they knit back together
when you've been broken

I adore the way
your veins hold up against
the rushing of blood

Skin and hair, tissue
wrapping up a gift
of perseverance

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ache and pain

most days I don't want to live beyond the feel of you
pushing into my skin, pressing into my heart
heavy, is this desire; this thing too vast to name
fist in mouth, I hold back my yearning
only wanting you, to bring me to the edge
the farthest reaches of this life within

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Nurse, Stat

My heart is open, raw and pulsing
I don't want you to look at it

Monday, July 2, 2012

on the wind

I am thinking of eggs and onions,
 turn the corner and there you are

My hand snags my hair,
 suddenly you are peering into my eyes

Talking to myself, of odds and ends and other things,
 you reply to things I don't say aloud

I reach out for you
 and find myself alone