Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ten Days: Day Two

Day Two: 
Nine things about yourself.
 seems I don't have many nice things to say right now.

1. I was home schooled until I was in HS.

2. I disappoint people. I am a great deal less awesome than expected.

3. My mind is always, always going. But I have a hard time telling people my thoughts.

4. I think I had more brains and balls at 16 than I do now. But I don't miss being a kid.

5. I wish that I could afford to go to school for whatever I please, for as long as I would like.

6. I always talk myself out of the things I really want; winding up with what I don't really like.

7. I give up far too easily.

8. I'm stubborn in all the wrong ways.

9. I have enormous potential, but I don't put it to good use.


  1. curiosity question. you dont have to answer it if you dont want to. why do you think so lowly of yourself?

  2. Nine things. . . it isn't a lot.
    This is what summed me up best, today.

    Why do I think so lowly of myself? Probably because I haven't gotten up where I want to be, yet.

  3. alright, i'll take that as a fair answer =)
