Friday, March 4, 2011

sometimes when I feel closest to you
that's when all the distance that is really between us starts welling up


  1. together apart
    together apart

    maybe someday
    a poem will be writ'
    how the two
    look the same
    but are not

    oops, we just did <3

    Crying With A Sense Of Human

  2. i know your post are serious in a good way
    i hope yo in your heart dont mind. hese posts were made on the fly but are serious enough even though they may also seem funny looking a joke.
    On the internet its only a 60% chance you know exatcly what someone is saying i a poem. I want you to know that i try to do a quick audit so something doesnt slipthat has a few mwanings and intrpretations. im not going to corect this tyoing because now its toolng just saying ,,im not an vil person and i mean no harm and like your poems .....a lot

  3. eg :)

    and im really forgetful too!

  4. Rivercat-
    I just write. I don't intend for others to read them a certain why, or get something specific from them.
    If you laugh, laugh! If you cry, cry! If it makes you think or need to respond, let it out!
    I think the highest compliment I can get on my writing is when it prompts another to write something, anything.

    I enjoy all your comments!

  5. thats cool. I usually know generally what Im trying to say and often there are 2 or 3 interpretations on purpose. I never comment or post with the intention of offending anyone. Maybe that is limiting but that is just my nature. I know that people interpret things differently but not always. If I right 20 happy poems and 20 sad poems. I will guess that generally they would be interpreted that way. Im talking about the subtle meanings. I wouldnt write if it was any other way because it would be like writing in a foreing language, which is fine, but not for me personally. After I write something im interested in the interpretations and more than half the time they are as intended. I think its icing on the cake for it to have, say a powerful opposite meaning to someone. Some poets do that but its more contrived than just saying something you feel as you write and compose but not caring how its interpreted. I cant write without having some idea what im writing about. I guess that is because ive only been making poems for less than a year. I hope that makes sense, im just scrambling this out as i go :)
